From wiki.phychi.com
Revision as of 08:26, 17 April 2017 by (talk)
Hij-Jaaa Guys! and welcome to our new wiki for phychi.com
Here you'll find all information around phychi.com, its worlds, blocks, modifications, entities, tips and tricks, without much a lot of searching. If you don't find it still, just request a new page, write it yourself or ask for your topic in the official forum. Also it will help you when looking for history information
If it's already March 2017 and you can't login here with G+, please remember me :) Edit April 2017: oohm hehe xD Well I don't have players, so until there aren't at least 10 different players in my list I don't care! If you have questions, you can ask me directly.
Helpful things:
Yours Antonio Noack